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About us

Purpose/Who we are

We are a loving Christ-Centered Church


Our Mission Statement

We Worship God and Try to Win the Lost


Our Vision

To See Transformational Revival


Our Values


The Bible - We believe the Bible is God's Word - it is inspired, inerrant, and infallible.  The Bible is our authoritative source of truth, and the foundation for all we do and believe.


All People - We believe that all people are precious to God and worth of our love.


A Spirit of Unity - We promote a spirit of unity that is characterized by a mutual trust, positive attitudes, and communication as we work together in love under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through our leadership to fulfill our mission.


Excellence and Effectiveness - We believe that excellence and effectiveness are the appropriate standards for our lives, our facilities, and our ministries in light of the fact that God has never been half-hearted in His love for us.


The Family - We believe the family unit to be God's gift to society and deserves the support of our church and direction from God's Word.


Our Rich Heritage - We value the lasting contributions of those who have gone on before us.


The Next Generation - We value our young people and seek to provide guidance and encouragement in leading them to realize their potential for God's kingdom now and in the future.


Our Commitments


Meaningful Worship - We gather together as God's people to praise Him, to experience His presence, and to express our love for Him.


Fervent Prayer - We passionately seek the Lord's guidance and His powerful provision for ourselves and others.


Spiritual Growth - We seek to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ and to learn how to apply the principles of the Bible in our daily lives.


Supportive Relationships - We seek to develop strong ties to other Christians for mutual encouragement, support, and accountability.


Faithful Service - We seek to use the unique abilities and resources, which God has given each of us, to strengthen the church and to minister to the needs of people.


Intentional Evangelism - We seek to reach out into the community and into our personal circles of influence in order to be a positive witness for Christ and to lead people to come to know Him by faith.


Worldwide Missions - We partner with other Christians and churches through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.

our pastor:
Russel Fox
Southgate Baptist Church



104 Cloniger Drive

Thomasville, NC 27360

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©2018 by Southgate Baptist Church.

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